Friday, December 12, 2008

Our Christmas Photos...

Our Santa Daddy Picture...

Our picture for "Celebrating the TRUE meaning of CHRISTmas!!!"

Asher literally ate the tissue paper!!! This is where he was caught in action!

Brayden loves putting on glasses...these were the ones that went with the Santa suit

Asher playing with his toes...I just loved this one!

Don't they look so sweet...

Can you tell Brayden was tired of pictures...

I just love these pictures...these were towards the end of our "photo shoot"...Brayden went from playing with Asher to saying "Mommy, he's choking me!!!" What a roll reversal!!!

1 comment:

Kelly Ford said...

How cute are your boys!!! I especially love asher playing w/ his toes! That cracks me up. You have a beautiful family, steph!