Saturday, March 21, 2009

Prayer Request

Where to begin...Please keep my cousin Ashley and her son Will in your prayers. Ashley developed pre-elcampsia and was told that they were going to have to take her baby at only 28 weeks. Fortunately, they were able to keep Ashley's blood pressure down long enough to be able to get some steroid shots in before having to take him. This morning they planned the c-section at 8:00 and little Will came at 8:11 am. He weighs 2.02 pounds and is only 14 inches long. He is truly a miracle baby. They said that he will probably come off the ventilator either tonight or tomorrow morning! This is amazing since we were expecting it for at least a couple of days. But please keep the whole family (Ashley, Mark (Ashley's husband), Will and the extended family) in your prayers. Will still has a long road ahead of him and Ashley still has a lot to go through before she'll be back on her feet. I am just asking that you'll be praying for everyone!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Some recent fun we've the park, then in the snow, then back at the park!!!

This weekend we went to the park with some friends...

Brayden and Asher had so much fun...we had a play date with Abbey and her mommy and daddy, but Brayden found some boys (Diesel and Jake) to play with while we were there...

Brayden didn't understand that he couldn't walk under the swings...he and Abbey bumped and he busted her mouth...he was so sweet because he didn't understand and he kept saying he was sorry and he didn't mean to hurt Abbey, he even said a prayer for her last night when we said our prayers...

I just loved this picture of Abbey...and it was funny to me seeing the difference of a baby laughing down a slide and Brayden who just looks like such a big boy going down!!!

Below are the pics of the snow...Asher wasn't too much of a fan, but Brayden had a blast!

Brayden had fun throwing snow balls...unfortunately for me and Asher, we became the target!

This was our first trip to the park that we was a bit chilly, but definitely didn't see the snow coming the following week! We made this trip with Uncle Paul...

Boys just wanna have fun!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Just a few pictures since I never added any...I'll have to upload the pics from the snow, but who know's when that will happen! :) here's the latest with everything else....

Asher is going to have to get tubes on March 19th, but Praise the Lord - - - Brayden's surgery has been postponed to April 7th and hopefully indefinitely!

Trent is still searching for a job. Please pray for God's will to be opened up to him so that he knows where he is supposed to go.

My mom is still not doing well. They are afraid that she may have a mass on her kidney's and she apparently has busted some of her stitches?

And Shae is doing ok. She is going to the doctor sometime this week. They believe she may have chrone's disease...we'll hopefully find out sometime this week.

As for me...I'm just working and trying to keep it together for my family. Please pray that God will open up opportunities for us to find creative ways to save money and make money. I've thought about trying to do some photography on the side, but I am not sure if that's going to pan out...

Until next time...