Thursday, April 2, 2009

New Adventure...

Okay, so I've decided that I want to take advantage of this whole looking for money thing by selling the things that I love to do. I am currently starting a blog where I can give some previews of the things that I can photography, cakes, and gifts (baskets and such)...if you are interested, you can check out the blog that I've started I'm not sure if this will take off or not, but if it does, hopefully I will create a website for it in the future. I haven't quite decided on pricing for the photography, so if you're interested check with me and we'll see what we can work up. Once I come up with something I will post it on the other blog!

Update on the homefront: Trent still hasn't found a job, but God is good and has provided me with opportunities to do some overtime at work and make some extra money! Brayden is doing great (without the 2nd set of tubes!) Asher is doing wonderful (with the 1st set of tubes!) All in all God is Good and Blesses us each and every day...we just have to take the time to Open our Eyes and see it!

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